wHY sURF KEEPS YOU YOUNGIt is a well known fact that staying active helps keep you looking and feeling young. Not many activities come close to the effect surfing has on the mind, body and spirit. According to experienced surfers, the special bond the surfer has with their surf board and the open ocean is almost impossible to explain.
Fresh Air
Fresh air does a body good! Surfers all over the world enjoy lots of cool, refreshing fresh air and sunshine. No matter if you’re surfing a remote location or something closer to the city, the ocean air smells fresh and clean. Out on the surf, there’s virtually no smog. When you are on the waves, it’s just you, the water and the fresh air.
Stress Free
Out in the swells, you can let your stress and every-day worries float away with the tide. Out there, it’s just you, the breeze, your board and the water. No one yelling for help or that report you should have handed in already. When you’re out there, you’re surrounded by total peace and relaxation. The only sounds are the sounds of the wind lightly kissing your skin and water slapping against your surfboard.
According to the majority of surfers, this type of relaxation is hard to come by anywhere else in the world. Just a few hours of surfing a week can help release the tension that builds up at home or in the workplace.
Muscle Tone
Surfing and swimming go hand in hand and are great exercise. Swimming works muscle groups you don’t always think to work at the gym. Sometimes even seasoned athletes will complain of muscle fatigue after swimming simply because of the different muscles being used.
People who surf are generally slender and well muscled toned into their 60’s and even 70’s. Surfing is a non-impact sport, meaning it’s very easy on your knees and other joints. After all, you don’t jog or jump on your surf board!
Cardiovascular Health
Surfing provides an amazing aerobic workout that not only helps burn fat but also keeps your heart, lungs and entire cardiovascular system in tip-top shape. A healthy cardiovascular system keeps your immune system healthy as well as maintaining a high level of stamina, to keep you feeling young.
Fun in the Sun
Surfers love the sunshine for a wide variety of reasons. Besides giving surfers great tans to keep that youthful glow, the sun provides vitamins that maintain healthy skin and nails. Healthy bones, skin, hair and nails assist in a more youthful appearance.
Other Advantages
Aside from the previously mentioned advantages of surfing, avid surfers understand they have to eat well and exercise. Many surfers enjoy going to the gym and practicing some type of Yoga. Yoga helps keep the surfer’s muscles toned and flexible and their mind alert. Many people who practice yoga taut it as a vehicle to peace and serenity in their mental well being.
If you’re looking to stay young and feel young, but don’t currently know how to surf and would like to learn, there is a wide variety of surf camps available. Women’s surf camps cater to the needs of women. Since they are only available to women, ladies of all shapes, sizes and ages can enjoy being themselves and learning to surf. You will also develop friendships and enjoy the fellowship of like-minded people from all over the world.
While some surf camps offer only women’s surf camps, there are camps that offer co-ed surf camps as well. They are a great way to learn to surf or learn a new skill or hobby while relaxing in the sun. Imagine returning to normal life, not only totally relaxed with a great tan, but also with pictures of you hanging ten, surfing like a pro and most importantly feeling and looking young.
Some say surfing keeps you young at heart. Seasoned surfers know surfing also helps keep them physically fit, looking and feeling much younger than their birth date declares.
About the Author
Shell Mijangos (http://swellwomen.com/founder.html), an ex-professional snowboarder, left the corporate world of NYC to follow her bliss in Maui, Hawaii. She is the founder of an all inclusive women’s surf camp called SwellWomen. Two years ago, she started SwellCo-ed, a Surf and Yoga Experience for women, men and couples. She hopes to surf with you in paradise soon!
Aloha and Mahalo for reading
P.s. article taken from http://www.thesurfboardman.com/