sexta-feira, outubro 17, 2008


Surfing for me is the ultimate sensation.. Just yesterday after my nephew was born I went down to the beach and surfed till dusk set in.. Everytime you go out it´s just like nothing and no one else exists beside you and the ocean, but yesterday my nephew was with me in my mind, meaning that all important things in your life may also go out with you into the ocean...

Stand tall David...

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

É bom sentir a alegria apoderar-se de ti! Desfruta o prazer de amar alguém, por mais pequenino que seja... Surf´s up :)

Anónimo disse...

Que Deus te guie e ilumine ao longo de toda a tua vida e faça de ti um grande HOMEM!