Jose is one of the most fearless and best surfers of all time. Jose would take off on giant waves that no one else would even consider. He'd even re-surface from horrific wipeouts laughing; to him it was all part of the fun. And was also known to do radical back-flips or such like off of his board in huge Waimea waves. He was fearless.
Jose was a free surfer; he was never interested in competing. Surprisingly enough he was the Principal of a Hawaiian school, and even skipped school/work one day to surf, only to get caught out pictured on the front page of a local newspaper! Much to the amusement of his friends, and the bemusement of his superintendent! However his students thought he was cool!
Jose was on the cover of the very first issue of Surfer magazine, and later Surfer labelled him the 'Bravest Surfer of All Time'.
Along with surfing, he also loved deep-sea diving. Often free diving extreme distances without the aid of any breathing apparatus. He knew no limits and kept going deeper.
Originally from California, Jose moved to Hawaii, married and started a family. With the death of his mother, Jose started to change. Blaming himself for his mother's death, he had an affair and left his wife and kids. These emotional problems led to him pushing the boundaries even further, one day staying down too long and getting 'the bends' leaving him partially paralysed in one leg. This led to the demise of his surfing. And eventually cost him his life, when he dove down to a depth of 300ft, ran out of air, and tragically never re-surfaced.

Aloha and Mahalo for reading
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